The Maker...
 The Knives...
How I Make Cable Damascus
Building A KnifeMakers Belt-Grinder
I use 1095, l-6 (saw blade steel), 15n20, and nickel as well as 5160. I make all my damascus using the anvil and a power hammer. More info in "How I make Damascus link". I start by forging the blade in a gas forge. Upon completioin, I then normalize the steel. This sets the correct grain structure for tempering. The blade is heated to critical tempature (where a magnet will not stick) and then air cool. this is done three times for correct grain structure.
I then grind and polish blade and harden. It is then placed in a oven at 400 to 500 (depending on what blade will be used for) degrees for one hour. Then the blade is differentialy tempered by placing the blade edge in water and heating the spine of the blade to the color of blue, never letting the edge out of water. This makes the spine springy and the edge good and hard. Some blades are made from old files and some file marks are left in the blade. Old blacksmiths left these lines in thier blades to prove the steel was of good quality. This is just a rough over view as there are many methods I use.
I do custom work, your design or mine. Knives guaranteed.
Dan Graves